Thursday, February 28, 2008

Life Chapter: Hospitalisation Terror

Hospitalisation is never a good thing to Meow Meow, especially when it comes to the person that Meow Meow loves. Unfortunately, Woow Woow still got admitted. Woow Woow went through tought times with Medical encounter this time. Fortunately enough, Woow Woow's scans are clear of serious illness such as brain tumor.

Few days ago was still in uncertainty stage, busy informing family members, preparing for the worse or whatever things which scares ourselves. And Meow Meow felt not anywhere, not here, not there. Felt so out of place and not belonging anywhere that I was at. Work was like so extra and meaningless, and life was so energy-taking and helpless.

Meow Meow felt so happy that Woow Woow can discharge so soon. Meow Meow took half day leave and went down to hospital immediately after work, and surprisingly was with two company Directors, Aaron and KC. Well, as expected, someone would comment "who sent you this basket arrangements?"... Hahaha.. Who else? Me lah =P Then after arrival, Meow Meow and the two Directors went down to the food centre for lunch. How awkward!

And one thing very stupid about discharging from NUH is not the paperwork, not the await for Doctor in-charge's approval, but OMG is the Pharmacist's medicine. Meow Meow and Woow Woow waited so impatiently to discharge from hospital to Woodlands Civic Centre to drop Quick Cheque Deposits before 3.30pm. But no, because of the Pharmacist's medicine for Woow Woow was lost (can you imagine, losing a patient's medicine!), we can't make it in time to drop cheque before 3.30pm, and can only have the cheque transfer done by Monday.

Meow Meow bought Woow Woow to have a good lunch at Jack's Place in Causeway Point. And after that have a peaceful time sleeping at Woow Woow's house. Meow Meow finally can have a wonderful time sleeping from now onwards. Really not been enjoying Meow Meow's beauty sleep for days now. And this shall mark the end to hospitalisation chapter.

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