Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Meow Meow Welcoming the Rat

Sending off Mr. Piggy, this year is the year of Mr. Rat. Not a very present year Meow Meow see, but nonetheless, Meow Meow looking forward for the year and wish for the best out of it. It is going to be, in overall, a year to pull oneself together and pull yourself through it. Well, what can Meow Meow say? Singapore is going to face inflation this year, and all services and products are being highly priced from the past.

Oh, in any case that people brings up the question why Woow Woow is in one of the twelve animal signs, rat is also in the twelve animal signs, but why Meow Meow not? It only brings up to the past myth of animals selection for the animal signs "event". To cut short the whole story, the rat promised to Meow Meow that the rat would wake Meow Meow up and compete for the place in the animal signs. Eventually, little rat proceed on without even waking up Meow Meow.

Well, it is said that Meow Meow woke up only to find out that Meow Meow has missed everything in the end, and thus, was not listed as one of the twelve animal sign. How sad! But, it's alright Meow Meow guess. Maybe that's why Meow Meow loves to sleep so much. Don't play play, Meow Meow simple snore and nap can easily last for twelve hours. Meow Meow's longest sleep hour is eighteen hours, which is 3/4 of a day. Can you imagine that?

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