Thursday, February 14, 2008

A pain that will not go away

I don't really know whether should i still be blogging or not, but i decided to carry blogging over here (i will also blog on my xanga account). This is because this blog is created by the love of my life and no matter what happen be it whether we together or not, i will still carry on blogging over here as long he permit me to.

Even now, i still feel a pain whenever i see him or think about him. When i see him sad, i really killing me inside. A feeling that i have never encounter before, not even with my first! I just hope that what people says is true, that is time will heal all wound. I will always be concern with him, always look after him and will always protect him even in the shadow.

I just want him to be happy! And would love to see his bright smile that i have not seen in days. Stay Happy always Meow Meow! Whoever bully you tell me, i will beat the crap out of him. This i Promise you! The only promise that i can keep. Again, I'm Sorry! Woow Woow know that i have made your very sad and i don't know whether you can forgive me but i just hope to see you smile again. No matter what we become. OK?

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