Monday, March 3, 2008

20 Reasons: Why reading is good (or bad?)

1. Reading books are very informative most of the time (means time consuming)
2. Books have rich classifications (which still words, words, and more words)
3. People enjoy reading enjoys books' accompany (and people who doesn't just doesn't)
4. Reading improves affluence with language (which deprives communication with people)
5. Reading brings about understanding (indirectly may abet copyright breaching and idea cloning)
6. Relaxes mind (and stresses eye)
7. Reading equips reader with an idea of the topic (not to say that they have experience it)
8. Reading is considered as a good habit (may means lifeless if you really understand the definition of habit)
9. Casual reading imparts general knowledge (don't take them too literally sometimes)
10. Reading helps to develop visualisation (or delusion, illusion, and imagination)
11. Patience can be cultivated through reading (impatience are always pardon anyway)
12. Reading the same thing another time can discover new feelings to it (yeah, outdated at times as well)
13. Read is a common ability to be encouraged to practice whether you like it or not (what comes after that is writing what you have read)
14. Reading decrease illiteracy (at the stake of increasing complexity)
15. Reading is unavoidable (so is error)
16. Reading on interests equip better understanding (but never do they emphasize on the 'cons')
17. Reading is inexpensive or even free (it is also the source of multi-sharing bacteria medium)
18. Ensure reading is convenient, it is available everywhere (so is rubbish and nonsense, in fact is everyday)
19. Reading explains (yeah, sometimes even repeat itself when it is running out of idea, worse still, run out of topic)
20. People choose to read, can? Stop questioning the power of reading! (.. just admit you are running out of things to do so read...) ^^

... at least that's what you are doing now... =P

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