Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Orphanage

Last Week Meow Meow and me went to watch the movie called "The Orphanage". Firstly, this is a foreign film, and secondly, it a horror movie. Let take a look on what is this show is all about.

Pan's Labyrinth director Guillermo Del Toro produces director Juan Antonio Bayona's gothic frightener about a long-abandoned orphanage with a particularly troubling past. As a child, young orphan Laura spent her formative years being cared for by the staff of a large orphanage located by the Spanish seaside. Those were some of the happiest years of Laura's life, and now, thirty-years later, the former charge returns to the dilapidated institution with her husband Carlos and their seven-year old son Simon to re-open the orphanage as a facility for disabled children. But something ominous haunts the darkened hallways of this silent, stately manor. When Simon's behavior begins to grow increasingly bizarre and malicious, Laura and Carlos start to suspect that the mysterious surroundings have awoken something ominous in the young boy's imagination. It's not long before Laura, too, is drawn into this disturbing web and the repressed memories of the past come flooding back in a terrifying torrent of tension and deeply disturbing revelations. With opening day drawing near and their situation growing increasingly grim by the hour, Simon attempts to write off their son's bizarre behavior as a desperate bid to get more attention from his distracted parents. Laura isn't so easily convinced of this theory though, and soon embarks on a desperate quest to unearth the terrible secret that lurks in the old house waiting for just the right moment to inflict devastating damage on both her and her family.

At the first sight of the poster, i know it will be a horror who which i think it's quite obvious in it. So i thought it will be the last show that i wanted to watch as you guys should know by now that i'm not a real big fan of horror film (horror always remind me of the movie "Saw" which till this day i still hate it even through it is well-made. Let skip that part should we!) but we didn't have much choice and i sought of want to watch movie on that day. So we decided to watch "The Orphanage"

At First, i'm very skeptics on this film as i have not really know what is the movie all about other then a trailer which doesn't tell much on this film. But as the film goes on, i finally show what horror film should be and then trust me when i say it's scary (people did literally scream) . The show is not the kind of show that show blood and gore, this film is more toward the suspense and the ingenious use of human fear on the spirit world. There is one scene that really very scary is when the actress was playing a game with the children spirit when in one second you don't see then then the next thing you know some kid just pop out and slowly going toward the actress. I think in my opinion, the director is really good in using the the correct technique in making the mind wonder or better word to describe it are the emotion manipulation of one person.

So in conclusion, this is one movie that really worth watching. But be warn that this show is not meant for the faint hearted.

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