Sunday, March 23, 2008

Time Flying By

Believe or not, it's going to be the end of March and a step towards an exam that I'm not remotely prepare for. How discouraging that can be right but then again it's not that i don't know anything for the whole course (I still got go for class and listen in class). This really is the most last minute study that I'm going to be doing. Hopefully i can be ready by then!

Anyway, let not talk about exam for now. You guys should know by now that i have resign from my current job and my last day would be end of April. Still have yet find a job but meow meow is helping me in preparing my resume (I'm not really a good resume writer). Still looking for job relating to my field of study, and hopefully i can have a good pay too.

Those day been quite hectic as i am in the mist of clearing my work. You might be wondering why am i working this hard when i am leaving in about a month or so. The answer is quite simple to me, you may think it's just stupid but people who know me knows that i don't like to leave thing hanging and also to ask other people to clear my shit (sorry of the choice of language). This is what i believe and i have adopt this to my character and have evolve to my principle.

Well, anyway, time to close this chapter. See you guy soon!

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