Monday, March 31, 2008

What The F**k

Do you know what guys, my school is really a pain in the ass (sorry for the prune language). The revision course that the school had organize is not free and the fee is not really small of minimal. Well, let me tell you the whole story.

A few days ago, Anil (my lecturer) told the whole class that the school had organize a revision section with lecturer from UOL coming to lecture. A told of 12 hours per subject spreading throughout the month of April. Never did he mention that there will be fee incurred.

Then to my surprise today, i found out the fee that i need to pay in order to attend the revision course which come in the form of letter from the school! And the fee is really high for a mere revision course, a total of $2,000 which mean that one subject come up to about $500. This is really day light robbing! So i have decided not to go for this stupid course and study on my own!
One thing to know, my school suck big time!

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