Sunday, January 6, 2008

Greek Masterpieces from the Louvre

Had a fantastic day today. It definitely has created a great start for the year 2008, a visit to the National Museum (Singapore). It all began (Friday) with a usual stroll from my work building, Peninsula Plaza, to The Cathay. Meow Meow & Woow Woow was walking with the digital camera on hand snapping around Singapore Management University (SMU) perimeter and as we pass by the National Museum, we took some extra efforts to enter the vicinity and talk a look around.

The "Wet Paint" paddle thing that is displayed in the middle of the lobby was kind of not exciting, but what really catches Meow Meow's sharp and intuitive eyes was this Greek Exhibition event that is currently available in the Museum. And Meow Meow thought it would be sweet to visit the exhibition sometime soon. (Saturday) We met up as usual and we decided to catch a movie and so we picked Elizabeth: The Golden Age, 3.30pm @ The Cathay. But on the way home, Woow Woow asked Meow Meow what should we do on Sunday. Meow Meow suggested a trip to the Museum.

Oh, Anson didi and Derek mistress tagged along. Meow Meow & Woow Woow met and had lunch and made our way there. The Exhibition doesn't seem extremely huge, but in fact, the informations, artifacts and cravings alone sum up to quite something. Greek cultures and history, great philosophers, myths, Gods and Goddesses, etc etc. There are just too much to absorb in a day (2-3hours) trip. But Meow Meow really loves the whole feeling of being embraced with the Greek and everything about it.

Meow Meow and guys ended the day with a wonderfully delicious dinner @ The Cathay, basement. Had Japanese cuisine for dinner, nicely made and taste even nicer than nice! Meow Meow felt sinful though, but with such weak resistant to savor of such fine food, Meow Meow committed the sin still. Just love it... *looking away*

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