Saturday, February 23, 2008


Let me tell you something that happen to me the past two days. After i went to see doctor on tuesday afternoon, i thought it just my usual headache. But little do i know that is the beginning of a very bad week. I thought after that day, everything will be alright but it not that so. I actually lose nearly 12 hours of memory beginning from 3am on 20th to near 4 pm on 20th. I was told that i went to see doctor and also message my friend and did thing but i remember none of it. This really make me worry that this might be a sign of something. Whether is it a good sign or not but i'm mentally prepare for what ever to come. Just hope it was nothing.

Anyway, other then backout, i also intend to go to work tomorrow to finish what ever work i have not done since i'm on mc for two and half day. And trust me, it had alot of work that need to do. And i would also like to thank my colleague of covering my work. Thanks alot! So i should end her for now.

PS. Just now i went to watch the movie "PS I Love You". This movie is quite well made, a story that do make you wonder. But this will be in Meow Meow next entry. ( I scare that he got nothing to write, so give him a chance.) hehe.

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