Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sorry with Thanks

"Sorry" is an all-round abused word used in Meow Meow's as well as sibilings dictionary. But nonetheless, Meow Meow would like to use the word as a core for this entry post. Why the sorry? For people who are aware, Meow Meow's relationship has just has it's (almost) first and greatest fall back from the start till now. And what it is now, is considered the after-war peace. And for that, Meow Meow wish to embrace the relationship with new hopes, new mindset, and new changes. Meow Meow learnt a lot of things through the relationship experiencing and really appreciate a lot of what Woow Woow has done. Even though a lot of things went very smoothly for Woow Woow, for example, started having suitors immediately after the little quarrel which Woow Woow call it a "break up". Woow Woow still made the choice to continue in having faith in the relationship, and for that, thank you. For now, let Meow Meow's song dedication do most of the talking for Meow Meow then. Enjoy...

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