Monday, February 18, 2008

A New Beginning

After a week of event, finally i can get the chance to rest that i long for. By now everyone must have known what happen, so i would not have to say more. But the main issue is that Meow Meow and i had a heart to heart talk and we manage to come to an understanding that by right should have come to months ago. This is really long overdue in a matter speaking. To sum up what we have discuss, we shall listen more to each other and this mean to listen AND hear. Be willing to compromise and to consider each other feeling. And most importantly, is to communicate. Without communication, a relationship would not and i mean will not last. I speak from experience!

1 comment:

JamesW850i said...

L.O.M.L. Woow,

I am really very sorry to upset you for the past years. I sore it to Universe that I'll either try to change, or die trying. It's really time for me to give in to you (even if it is unreasonable), maybe it is only what I deserve.

I Love You.


P.S. L.O.M.L. is short for 'Love Of My Life'.