Tuesday, March 11, 2008

WTH (What The Hell)

No one is going to believe it, Meow Meow is actually blogging! Actually, what is more unlikely is that Meow Meow is actually not in camp now. People may think, how come? What has happened to Meow Meow's In-Camp Training (ICT)? What has happened to Meow Meow's reservist?..

The whole story begins like this, that the very Monday Meow Meow was supposed to report for reservist, Meow Meow woke up very early in the morning (not to forget, Meow Meow slept at 2am) around 6.15am. After washing up and all the dressing up, Meow Meow make way to Clementi by MRT. And reaching the area kind of early enough, Meow Meow decide to have a decent morning breakfast at Clementi one of the nearby food center.

Meow Meow had a bowl of not-bad Mince Meat Noodles and after that head to bus interchange to take bus. In the meantime of waiting for bus, headache grew from beginning scratch of not-enough-sleep headache to head-pounding headache, so took a change in plan. To consult a doctor Meow Meow goes, Meow Meow visited the private clinic which is frequently visited and went through the whole process and got one day MC.

Meow Meow was feeling like "blessing-in-disguise", and proceed back to camp and endorse the MC. Making the way to find the overall coordinator landed Meow Meow sitting in the camp's canteen waiting for some assistant of the coordinator to get to him through phone (sucks man, it took quite a long while just to come to a conclusion: suspend me from training). Meow Meow's head was little bit tipsy and spinning, as though Meow Meow has just been hit by a rock. The rest are all history...

Got home, rested... But that's Monday. Today, is the most terrible day of all. It actually start pouring cats and dogs when Meow Meow and Woow Woow was about to leave the work building crossing road. That's not the worse part of the thing, Derek mistress came calling saying that he has reached the meeting area and the movie Meow Meow and him is going to watch is not starting at 7.30pm but at 7pm. It directly means "we don't have time to eat dinner"...

But anyway the movie that Meow Meow and Derek went to catch was 10,000 B.C. and it was not a bad show. Basically quite nice and did a lot of scenery, fighting and ancient scenes shooting. Story concept is not too bad, and the actors are good. Meow Meow would grade the movie, 10,000 B.C., 3.5 out of 5. After that, a good dinner near Food Republic. Ends the day with a good bath, nice chat with Woow Woow and blogging. Writing off, Meow Meow.

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