Thursday, March 13, 2008

Step Up 2 : The Street

Last Saturday i went to watch Step up 2 : The Street which really turn out to me quite a nice movie unlike what the movie review had describe it. Firstly let have an overview on what this show is about.

Andie (Briana Evigan) is a member of the 410 crew, she goes around showcasing her talents illegally. Her brother Tyler Gage (Channing Tatum) understands her love for street dancing so he gets her an audition for MSA - Maryland School of Arts. And you've guessed it she gets in but only by the kindness of 1 guy Chase (Robert Hoffman) also a student at MSA. However, not only is he the most popular guy in school but his brother is it's new director.

In Andie's first class she is told to improvise, only used to upbeat music, she panics and makes a fool of herself, then when told to do it again she messes up again. Only this time catching the eye of Chase. After the lesson she heads down to rehearse with the 410 crew, and she's late not impressing her fellow crew members. After being late yet again Andie is kicked out of the 410 crew and now cannot battle in 'The Streets'.

On realising that she needs a crew Chase comes to her rescue, saying that under the radar in MSA there are a lot of people who would be skilled enough to join a crew. They find 10 people to join them in their crew, the MSA crew. They start practising and realise that they aren't good enough to battle at 'the Streets' yet. So Andie enforces the help of an old 410 crew member. She helps them realise they have what it takes and make a prank, something that will help them get noticed. They stage their prank in the home of the lead member of the 410 crew. It doesn't go down to well. But Chase and Andie are drawn together by their unavoidable attraction, almost kissing and shocking the MSA crew.

After this prank things go bad, they realise who did the prank and beat up Chase, then they head down to MSA and trash the school. The director finds out and orders the students to come forward if they know anything. However, he knows that Andie is somehow responsible and calls her to his office, where upon a discussion he expels her and she is left shattered...

A few days later while the school is hosting a fundraiser they all receive the text message telling them where 'The Streets' is being held. Andie chooses the ignore this but the other feel it necessary to take part and go call on Andie, upon convincing her they head down the 8th and Main. Upon arriving they feel unwelcome and are told they don't fit in by the 410 crew. Andie doesn't appreciate this as she knows the true meaning of the streets and that everyone else has forgotten. So she leads them all outside for 1 last showdown..........

In general, this movie a not a must watch but nonetheless a entertaining movie. This have a cool mix of music and slick dance move and also a well acting from the artist. The message behind the movie to encourage people to be who there are and not who there are not. In the current society, we are always been ask to be what your parent or even our peer want us to be but this is really not who really are. Why can't we just be who we are and do the thing that we love to do! This is what our society i really are! Don't you agree?

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