Thursday, January 10, 2008

A fine Meow for a fine Day

Meow Meow today has a pretty alright kindda day. Work was fine, just that due to Meow Meow's muscle/nerve condition, was on Medical Certified (MC) unwell for the past on and off 3-4 days. Thus, Meow Meow's stuff was left undone and remained undone until today. Busy with some trivial stuffs and 2007 accounts. Had lunch with Woow Woow today, the lunch was quite rush and was fine.

Meow Meow brought up about Woow Woow's unhappiness in working condition and situation.. Don't worry, Meow Meow studies Business, hope Meow Meow "therapy" will work for Woow Woow. Will be preparing Meow Meow materials for 'that' day, okay? ^^

Woow Woow must have had a wonderful day Meow Meow suppose, half working day, gym the other 1-2hours and on Woow Woow's way to buy a birthday present on both Meow Meow and Woow Woow behalf. So relaxing for Woow Woow. Meow Meow worked and SUDDENLY, the fair sky had the biggest downpour Meow Meow ever seen on January. Unfortunate and quite disturbed by the change in weather recently. Oh, the office air-con was shivering cold and the screen made Meow Meow felt so sleepy during the whole of afternoon.

Visited the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) physician after work and got poked 2 needles down left part of Meow Meow poor body. Good news being that Meow Meow felt better after that (compared to before it) and happily rushed home for a scrumptious dinner with Meow Meow's family. Had a wonderful dinner, consisting of deep fried chicken wing, shark fin's soup, and stir fried green veg. Yum yum... It's time to get ready for Friday already, ciao! =D

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